Reach is exhibited Capture, Stream, Share at InfoComm 2022.

Hey there, this is AJ we’re at the Infocomm booth for Reach.

What you’ve got here is a variety of different streaming products for lecture capture, meeting room capturing type of content.

What you’re able to do is capture content from cameras, computers, any source that’s got an HDMI, SDI or IP video streaming output.

These boxes are natively able to record internally as well as on a USB drive.

You’ve got the ability to stream this out over the network through an RTSP out.

So you can use leverage Facebook live YouTube live any other streaming services or platforms, as well as being able to tie this back into a zoom call or some sort of codec application.

We’ve got a variety of different units that have you know control interfaces right on the front.

Versus rack mount versions and everything’s basically got rs232 or IP-control.

So you can get third-party integration or control but what we offer here is an end-to-end solution,

that includes cameras, encoding, recording capturing and then also sharing using our library or our software platform that allows you to catalog all of your pre-recorded content.

And then make it available to your to different folks using leveraging IDAP integration,

so that way you can control who’s got visibility of what type of content.

Again it’s an end-to-end solution for you know recording and capturing and then sharing the content with whoever the audience happens to be. Thank you.