Macnica Americas, Inc. is exhibited IPMX: AV over IP at InfoComm 2022.

hello. This is Watanabe from Macnica. Describe our product.

This is an IPMX product.
We have developed a module and developed equipment that can easily realize IPMX.
We have developed a module and developed equipment that can easily realize IPMX.

It looks like we are transferring video through IPMX right now.

This is the encoder side and this is the decoder side.

Here, we are performing HDCP encrypted transfer.

There is also a function called KVM, which allows you to control the sending side from the mouse and keyboard connected to the recorder side.

For example, if you move the mouse like this, you can move the device on the sending side.

This is the video on the sending side, and here is the video on the receiving side. As you can see, it’s low latency.